Our culture dictates that we must, every January 1st, ‘resolve’ to do something to better ourselves. But why do we torture ourselves every year with unrealistic resolutions?

Many of us resolve to “lose 50 pounds” and go on a crash diet. Or we resolve to “go to the gym and get 6-pack abs”. Then feel defeated when we can’t stick to the unrealistic plan we set for ourselves. We ‘cheat’ by January 9th, or we go crazy at the gym, are in pain and completely wiped out by the end of week one. Then we say the heck with it all and go back to our old habits.

Instead we should resolve to try to make healthier food choices or resolve to get more exercise. Once we realize that at least once a day we really can make a healthier food choice and take a brisk walk a couple times a week, then the resolution becomes easier. We need to name our goals and work toward them; however, our goals need to be achievable and realistic. Although we may ultimately want to lose that 50 pounds and get 6-pack abs, it won’t happen in a week or even a month.

We need to meter ourselves with shorter term goals that are steps toward the final goal. Each small step has a huge impact psychologically and we are then better able to reach those short term goals encouraged and with a sense of accomplishment.

Start your year with a goal to get healthier and live happier. I can help you get yourself off to the right start. Regular chiropractic adjustments help you achieve and maintain whole health.